The Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic Narodni Front is a curative and preventive institution that provides healthcare within its specialty to inhabitants of the City of Belgrade, the Republic of Serbia, and often beyond, as well as diplomats living and working in Serbia.
The Clinic began its operation on the 1st of March, 1955, and it is made up of a daytime hospital and maternity ward.
By the Decision of the National Health Council of the Belgrade Assembly No. 215/1958, the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic was registered as a teaching base of the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade.
In its healthcare operation, the Clinic provides preventive diagnostics and treatment services in the areas of healthcare, relevant gynaecology and obstetrics specialties, paediatrics, transfusion, medical biochemistry, and general medicine.
In its provision of healthcare, the Clinic conducts the following activities:
Specialised clinical and hospital healthcare
Monitors the health of women and new-borns and proposes measures for their improvement
Investigates and discovers causes, phenomena, and ways and measures for conducting, preventing and combating, early detection, diagnostics, and treatment of diseases in the areas of gynaecology, obstetrics, and neonatology
Monitors, conducts, and determines methods of prevention, diagnostics, and treatment in a professional and scientific manner
Determines and monitors the conducting of professional and medically acknowledged approaches in the areas of gynaecology and obstetrics, while providing professional procedural assistance to other healthcare institutions
Provides highly specialised, preventive diagnostic and treatment services in ambulatory and hospital conditions
Takes part in proposing and conducting programmes for women’s and children’s healthcare
Conducts the education, professional training, and specialisation of its employees and healthcare professionals from other institutions
Organises and conducts internal supervision over the professional activities of healthcare professionals and takes part in conducting supervision over the professional activities of healthcare institutions in the area of women’s healthcare
Conducts measures and responses duringtimes of natural disasters and other emergencies