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Prof. Svetlana Dragojević Dikić, MD, PhD
Svetlana Dragojević Dikić is a full professor of gynecology and obstetrics, Head of the Obstetrics Department and the Vice President of the Board of Directors at the Gynecology-Obstetrics Clinic "Narodni front", Medical Faculty, University of Belgrade. She is the Vice President of the Serbian Menopause Society and the member of the Professional Expert Board for women health protection in menopause in the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia. She is the menager of Menopause section of the Serbian association of Gynecological and Reproductive Endocrinology.
Dr Dragojević Dikić graduated in medicine from the Belgrade Medical School in 1983. In 1988 she finished her Msc "Monitoring of follicular development and maturation in stimulated cycles for IVF programme" and PhD in 1996 entitled "The role and significance of Doppler sonograhy diagnostics in monitoring of spontaneous and stimulated cycles in infertile patients". She completed her specialist physician training in gynecology and obstetrics in 1991. She spent some time at advanced training at the University Clinic "The London Hospital Medical College" in London, UK and at the Aristotelian University in Thessaloniki, Greece. Dr Dragojević Dikić was elected professor of gynecology and obstetrics at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade in 2012.
Research and publications
Through her more than 240 publications, including her book titled "Reproductive endocrinology – Regulation of ovarian and menstrual cycle and Induction of ovulation", Prof. Dr Dragojević Dikić has made a leading contribution in the knowledge in the field of gynecological endocrinology, infertility, menopause and sonography diagnostics as well. Her scientific work was cited in more than 220 publications. Since 1985 she has been active in education, research, advocacy, creating new ideas and treatment regarding issues related to the infertility and menopause. Owing to her long-standing scientific and professional experience and successful resolving of most sophisticated problems in gynecological-endocrinology field and infertility, mostly presented in her publications, she has also been appointed Chief of the Department of Gynecological Endocrinology on the Infertility ward of the Clinic. In the past 10 years and so far, Prof. Dr Dragojević Dikić research has been focused on premature ovarian insufficiency and fertility options in this delicate condition. She has been a member of the research team in 2 International Projects and 2 National Projects (Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Serbia). In order to improve knowledge in premature ovarian insufficiency Prof. Dr Dragojević Dikić started participating in the International Project with the British and Serbian Group (Farook Al-Azzawi, Svetlana Vujović).
Other Main Professional Activities
Prof. Dr Dragojević Dikić is a reviewer for Gynecological Endocrinology, Archive of Gynecology and Obstetrics, The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Research and International Journal of Fertility and Sterility. She has been a member of: ISGE, EMAS, IMS, the Presidency of the Gynecology-Obstetrics Section of Serbian Medical Society and Vice President of the Professional Expert Board of Multidisciplinary Association for Menopause and Andropause under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia. Prof. Dr Dragojević Dikić has been an invited speaker at more than 100 international and national congresses and symposiums, presenting her professional experience and scientific work, exchange of experiences with other researchers, trying to improve teamwork and engender good relationship between experts, people and countries.