Prof. dr Mladenko Vasiljevic, Head of IVF Department
Glavna sestra:
Suzana Mijajlovic
+381 11 2068 370
Ana Jeremic, Clinical Embryologist, Head of IVF laboratory
Our fertility specialists, embryologist and registered nurses have comprehensive experience working with couples and women to accomplish a successful pregnancy. They closely cooperate to offer their expertise in a supportive, compassionate environment for our patients.
We have an altered method to a couple with sub fertility at our department. It is an individualized approach, understanding the root cause of infertility and treating it appropriately with tailor made examinations and procedures. We have an in seriousness counseling and conversation session with the patients about the probable cause of theirs sub fertility and different treatment choices available for them. We discuss different pros and cons for each treatment option and help the patients in selecting the right option.
Apart from artificial fertilisation, the members of our team also carry out the following diagnostic and therapeutic measures: Fertility-enhancing operations (including endoscopic), hormone treatment, hormone stimulation of folliculogenesis for various indications.
When simple methods have failed or have been ruled out from the start, artificial fertilisation is the only option for many couples who want to have a child together. Artificial fertilisation measures at our department includeintrauterine insemination, in vitro fertilisation and intracytoplasmic sperm injection.
So far, in vitro fertilization has been carried out in more than 2,500 pairs, and as a result of this work more than 600 babies have been born. Over the last few years the percentage of clinical pregnancies was over 50%. These results are the consequence of many years of hard work that followed the pioneering steps in the field of in vitro fertilization in this region of Europe. Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics "Narodni front" was the first clinic in Serbia and former Yugoslavia where the in vitro fertilization was performed in the 1986s, and in 1987 the first "Test Tube Baby" in former Yugoslavia was born at the clinic. Department of artificial reproductive techniques with daily hospital, also known as IVF Unit at the Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics "Narodni front" was formally established in the 2006. Since then, the IVF Fertility Unit has been at the front position of this field in the region, and is one of the most contemporary and inventive of its kind. The unit is recognized in Serbia and internationally for its high quality medical treatment.Besides all of this, our department and the clinic is the reference center for the treatment of complications of artificial reproductive techniques, including ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome in Serbia and the region.
Our Fertility Team
Ana Jeremic, Clinical Embryologist, Head of IVF laboratory
Mr sci. med. dr Dragana Bojovic Jovic
Dr Dragana Lekic
Dr Dejan M. Pavlovic
Prim. dr sci.med. Milan Perovic
Dr Nenad Djordjevic
Mr sci.med. Maja Vujovic
Biljana Macanovic, Clinical Embryologist